Archive for January, 2008

Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window 0

The headmaster deplored contemporary education, with its emphasis on the written word, which tended to atrophy a child’s sensual perception of nature and intuitive receptiveness to the still small voice of God, which is inspiration.

It was the poet Basho who wrote:

Listen! a frog
Jumping into the silence
Of an ancient pond

Yet the phenomenon of a frog jumping into a pond must have been seen by many others. Down through the ages and in the whole world, Watt and Newton cannot have been the only ones to notice the steam from a boiling kettle or observe an apple fall.

Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth; having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire. These are the things to fear, said the headmaster. (pp. 79-81)

Loser 0

왜 한글번역본에서는 “loser”를 “문제아”라고 번역했는지 모르겠다. loser의 사전적인 의미도 문제아라기 보다는 패배자에 더 가깝고, Donald Zinkoff도 문제아는 아닌데 말이다.

Oliver in Hollywood - August Rush 0

“올리버 트위스트”의 헐리우드식 해석이다. 지나치게 작위적이고 신파적이다. 볼 가치도 없다.

Klyne Revnik 0

Klyne Revnik. This is my name. And I’m a citizen of Second Life.