Daejon International Film Festival!

About (or more than) ten international film festivals are held in big cities in Korea such as Seoul, Pusan, Gwangju, Jeonju, Pucheon, and so on. Daejeon Film Festival has just begun last Saturday. It was originally intended to be an international film festival like others, I guess. However “international” had to be inevitably deleted because of some reasons such as budget or discord with Daejon City.

Anyway I just wanted it to be something different, not something special, because it’s festival. Most of films in djiff are already released on DVD or Video and shown on cable TV several times. That is why there should be something interesting in order to attract people’s attention. Anyway I was so upset after watching the flick. The print condition of “Y Tu Mama Tambien” was terrible, the reels for which must be rummaged a distribute company. The movie was even suspended for 5 minutes without any apology, which enraged me. They don’t deserve to complain about lack of budget or indifference of the city government (or Daejon citizens’ indifference, How dare!). I hate their neglects of duty. djiff is 100 percent failure and 1000 percent disappointment.

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