English is …

Just like a conversation with B and D at Cream, English can neither be an international language for all the people in the planet nor a yardstick to measure one’s intellectuality or stupidity. Please keep it in mind that English is just an instrument to communicate to each other. Nothing more than that.

2 Comments so far

  1. Patrick on October 2nd, 2007

    That’s right Kyu Nam. English is only an instrument, and how you communicate to each other is much depending on how good you play that instrument. Especially for me in Korea, I’m not a good musician at all…

  2. Jimmy on October 16th, 2007

    최선생님 :
    제가 지난 주에 우리 학과 학술제 사회자됐는데 잘 못했어요.
    선생님,잘 지냈어요?

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